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Vancouver, BC

“Before training with Shane I had many reservations about training. I disliked gyms, I had hated exercise from a young age, and the last time I had tried personal training it ended with a mass exodus of my stomach contents. Shane immediately put me at ease in the consultation. It was the first time someone had admitted that I could work out without running – I hate running.


I had never had someone work so hard to help me define my goals, besides “being fit” I hadn’t really thought about what an exercise routine could do for me. Shane’s plans always clearly had my goals in mind. It’s like he knew I was better motivated by understanding why, than just being told what to do. When my schedule got out of hand Shane gave me an entirely new set of workouts that were shorter to fit them in. He never shamed me for missing a workout, but was a constant source of support.


Because of my work with Shane I was able to after moving to a new town, walk into a gym with confidence. I knew what I was doing; I had marked progress in my abilities, and importantly did not injure myself or vomit. These may seem like small accomplishments to people who don’t know me but to me they were immeasurable.”

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Edmonton, AB

“Throughout 2016 I found myself starting, stopping, switching, changing, and never fully committing to a training program. I kept struggling to find something that was flexible enough for me to do at home or at the gym, depending on when I finally found time in my day to workout, but also challenging for me to do. I wanted to feel like I was making a difference in my body when I was working out, rather than just going through the motions. 


Going into 2017 I had similar goals to most women my age - I wanted to feel healthy, look good for summer (because hello wedding season!), but I also wanted to get in shape for the MS Bike Tour. However, the biggest thing I wanted was to get confidence back in myself. In my strength, my body, my mental state. 


In December I started working with Shane and it was one of the best decisions I've made. Over the three months I've been working with him I've felt a difference in my body and in my mental state. The workouts give me the flexibility I need, and the toughness I crave. Shane is encouraging, challenging, and understanding. He gets that life will get in the way, but all he asks is you give it your best and that you try. I can't wait to continue working with him and see where I go!” 

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Orlando, FL

“Getting back into training is always nerve racking as you don't want to let yourself down or your trainer down. I don't like the gym normally and had reservations on not only if I could do it, but if I could do it over the internet/far away from my trainer. 


Shane has gone out of his way to make sure that I could see success with fitness both in and out of his program. The encouragement and contact is rewarding and just enough pressure to make sure you stick to it. He's always searching for feedback on exercises and my unique travel schedule and always available to make modifications that fit my best interests and availability. 


My goals were to generally be more fit – lose weight, gain muscle, fit into smaller clothes, be healthier, and enjoy my progress.)


So far I have been training with Shane for 5 months. I have achieved a consistent workout regime (and looking forward to it) and more energy. I have dropped from a XXL to an XL shirt, and 2 pant sizes. I have set an example to my sons that exercise is critical to a healthy body and mind.” 

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Edmonton, AB

“I have wanted to work with Shane for a while now, so I really didn't have any reservations about working with him. I knew that I could trust Shane and was excited to get started. My only hesitation was with online training specifically -- would I stay committed? Would I know what to do?


That hesitance was solved right now. The app helped a lot. Being able to check in with Shane and knowing he is following up and having his videos to reference was all amazing.


My goal was really to add a physical component to my weight loss journey. To make time for myself to go to the gym and to feel comfortable showing up there and doing it.


With Shane, I have experienced so much in 3 months. None of them actually on the scale, which was for a very long time the only way I marked my achievements. Not only do I feel empowered and strong at the gym, I feel worthy to be there.


Also I feel like I like going, which is shocking to me. I've had a real mind shift with focusing on strength and overall health. I’ve learned how to count food for it’s nutrients and not it’s calories. It's an adjustment but it feels like the most complete way to really honestly take care of myself in a long term way. It's been completely eye opening.” 

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Edmonton, AB

“I wasn’t sure about using an personal trainer online – I was used to having one-on-one attention from previous experiences and didn’t know if that would occur with this type of training.


Shane provided excellent personal attention even though everything is done online. He took a really personalized approach to helping me meet my fitness goals. I feel just as accountable to meeting my planned workouts as I would with in-person training. 


I wanted to increase my comfort and confidence in the gym in addition to typical goals of losing some weight, eating better, and increasing my fitness level. 


Not only do I feel a sense of accomplishment after each workout, I feel great mentally. The diversity of the workout plans provided by Shane has helped me increase my comfort level within the gym setting and move beyond doing the same old workout routine I used to do. I can’t wait to keep moving forward on my fitness journey.”

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