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Shane Kokas
Jan 12, 20153 min read
Two core exercises to add into your routine
If you are pre/post natal, have had surgery, in a relationship, suffer from a diastase, hold neck tightness, have a ‘six pack’, spinal...

Shane Kokas
Jan 12, 20152 min read
Enlightenment in a Grocery Store
Every week I accompany my Great Aunt for a trip to the grocery store. This has been a regular schedule for the past five years or so....

Shane Kokas
Nov 5, 20143 min read
So, my pants don't fit...
Do you know whats stressful? All the in's and out's of a getaway. Or if you’re flying US Airways. That in itself is a whole other kind of...

Shane Kokas
Sep 27, 20143 min read
Is your diet failing you?
“As defined by the dictionary, 'diet', are the kinds of foods that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. Unfortunately, it...

Shane Kokas
Jul 8, 20144 min read
Why touching your toes shouldn't just be your 'cool-down'
“Awesome, I crushed that workout. I'm feeling strong and full of energy! Can I touch my toes -- perfect! Nice chest stretch against the...

Shane Kokas
Apr 29, 20144 min read
Tips to for a healthy road trip
Traveling can be quite stressful. Especially if you really want to maintain the health regime you’ve created for yourself. My approach...

Shane Kokas
Apr 7, 20142 min read
Where does 'perfection' fit into your lifestyle?
I had a great talk with a client who was doing a fantastic job on daily workouts and their nutrition. Everything was perfect. Until life...

Shane Kokas
Mar 27, 20143 min read
Why running shouldn't be your 'warm-up'
We’ve all done it. We’re behind schedule or feeling lazy, so we just hop on the treadmill and do a “light 5 minute run” for our...

Shane Kokas
Mar 5, 20144 min read
Tips to stay motivated
When starting a new workout regime or diet plan we all struggle with one huge aspect - motivation . Setting a goal or starting a new...

Shane Kokas
Feb 20, 20143 min read
How to manage negative feedback about your body, fitness and diet
It was a typical Tuesday night in the gym. My client went through their warm up, then we began our training session. About a quarter of...

Shane Kokas
Jan 21, 20143 min read
How yoga changed my life
YOGA. I've learned this word may appear like not much, but this is not the case. If you're like me, yoga is kinda frightening and for...

Shane Kokas
Nov 7, 20133 min read
What is foam rolling?
Majority of the population today suffer from some form of “ache” or “pain”. Sadly, a greater number have adopted an idea that is this...
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